In this edition of the Cosplay of the Week, we've got Lucian the Purifier from League of Legends. He's got a stoic demeanor and packs a punch with his relic weapons. And he's also a pretty kickass character to cosplay.

Lucian has twin relic weapons that were carved from stone. He uses them against the undead, acting as a guardian for the living. This kind of life is kind of tragic, considering that his wife, Senna, became trapped in the soul-collector Thresh's spectral prison. Because her soul is lost, she is considered to be among the undead, which he has sworn to fight.

This is Private Kaisser Cosplay in his magnificent Lucian outfit. It's almost as if a younger version of Lucian stepped out from the game to show us what being a badass stoic is all about. According to Private Kaisser, the cosplay took about two months to complete, just around the time the character was leaked and then released. Private Kaisser's goal was to complete the costume before Lucian actually debuted in League of Legends as a playable Champion.

The neck brace and shoulder pads are crafted out of a material called Worbla while the leg armor and the relic weapons are made out of craft foam and resin. Showing some dedication to his craft, Private Kaisser buzzed his hair short and used Spirit Gum to attach dreadlocks to the top of his head. Now that's a pro move.

With regard to why he chose Lucian to cosplay, Private Kaisser said, "I chose Lucian because I loved League of Legends, but being a tanned slender male, there weren't that many choices open to me, since most males in league are beefy, anthropomorphic, or white.  Lucian was the first champion that was black, male, and of a similar build as me, so I jumped at the opportunity."

In the end, cosplaying Lucian was a perfect fit for Private Kaisser since the build focused on detailing, dynamic fabric patterns and interlacing armor pieces with cloth. According to Private Kaisser, these are some of his cosplaying-crafting specialties.

See more of Private Kaisser and his cosplaying abilities on Facebook. All photos were shot by Kenshin Photography. You can contact him on Facebook or his personal website.

Private Kaisser Cosplay
Kenshin Photography
Private Kaisser Cosplay
Kenshin Photography
Private Kaisser Cosplay
Kenshin Photography
Private Kaisser Cosplay
Kenshin Photography
Private Kaisser Cosplay
Kenshin Photography

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