Netflix has its hands full these days with the release of its latest original series 'Hemlock Grove,' as well as the imminent debut of new 'Arrested Development' episodes. Though, that didn't stop the cast and crew of the streaming network's breakout original series 'House of Cards' from getting together to discuss the upcoming season, as well as the Netflix attitude that made the series the memorable drama it became. Preview 'House of Cards' past and future inside!

"I don't give a sh-t" isn't something one expects to hear as a note from above when crafting a TV series, but 'House of Cards' showrunner Beau Willimon claims director David Fincher said exactly that when asked if some of the series' dark content would alienate the audience. "Not that we were that flip or blasé about it, but that's the show we wanted to make, says Willimon of the opening scene, in which Kevin Spacey's Francis Underwood smothers a dog hit by a car. "And if you're not down with the dog getting strangled in the first 30 seconds, this isn't the show for you."

The cast and crew of Netflix's breakout original 'House of Cards' gathered at a TV Academy panel to discuss the series, currently filming its top-secret second season in Maryland. Willimon and Spacey in particular refused to offer any details of the show's second year, but did acknowledge their uncertainty about Netflix continuing the "all at once" episode model. Still, Spacey offered his praise to Netflix for allowing them to tell the story they wanted, particularly without the burdens of a pilot episode dictating how they begin to unfold the characters.

A few days ago Netflix announced that, in large measure as a result of 'House of Cards,' they brought in two million more subscribers. You bet they're making money...I think that what we in some ways set out to prove was that the film and television industry can learn the lesson that music industry didn't learn. Give people what they want, when they want it, in the form they want it in, at a reasonable price -- and they'll buy it and they won't steal it.

Willimon also clarified that no deals had yet been made for a third season, despite the $100 million dollar deal that saw Netflix locking down two 13-episode seasons before production even began.

We'll keep you posted on the future of 'House of Cards,' including release dates for the second season, but what say you? Has the series opened up a new model of content that will see other networks following Netflix's example? What would you like to see from 'House of Cards' season 2?

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