It's been one hell of a great beer week for us. We've learned which brews are awesome gifts (and apology presents for grabbing the wrong "Christmas hams" at the office party) and which ale we should choose to celebrate the impending end of the world. Now, we're stoked to bring you the so-called "world's best beer."

Westvleteren XII has long been praised by beer aficionados as a top brew, but it's really tough to come by. Why? Well, the ale isn't usually sold commercially. It's apparently "produced by Trappist monks in Belgium and sold at the abbey of Saint Sixtus in the Belgian countryside." Basically, it's exclusive stuff. Right now might be the only time Westvleteren XII is sold in the US, because the beer monks don't want to get too commercial.

Interested in grabbing a few cases? Some retailers are selling 'bricks' at $84.99 each, which have six bottles and two glasses from the monastery. Snatch 'em up quickly -- people are losing their minds over this stuff.

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