On the June 6 episode of 'The Talk,' the Wanted popped by for a sit down chat and to perform their adorbs new single 'Walks Like Rihanna.' They hit familiar topics, such as their association with Lindsay Lohan, which was met with giggles. But the most interesting thing the boys said was that they'd like to move their Twitter beefing with fellow boy band One Direction from the social media space to the boxing ring!

"It does get blown out of proportion a little bit, and especially when you are constantly asked about it and you make one comment that can be taken the wrong way," Tom Parker said. "There has been a little banter online on Twitter. We said we should go in a boxing ring and blow off some steam for charity. Which I think is a great idea."

Can you just imagine Jay McGuiness and Harry Styles throwing haymakers left and right? Their curls would get all sweaty and messy. Gasp! BTW, what is it with cute male pop stars obsessing about boxing?

Also, um, Tom, this doesn't sound like something that was taken out of context either, bro! Just sayin'.

As for the Li Lo thing, Max George danced around the topic of her fighting other girls over his affections, saying, "That's extremely flattering. It's cool, but normally, it's me and Jay fighting over a girl!" Who wouldn't want to be that girl, ladies?

It was sorta weird to see the band performing 'Walks Like Rihanna' sans Nathan Sykes who is recovering from throat surgery. We miss you Nathan!

Same goes for 'Glad You Came.' The song is the band's signature hit and it was more than a little strange to see it performed without Sykes!

The hosts of 'The Talk' were shown on camera in the crowd, singing and rocking out! Totally presh.

Oh, and in the preview from Episode 2 of their new E! reality show 'The Wanted Life,' we see some strife between the band and member Siva Kaneswaran, who wants to bring his girlfriend along on a private jet for a performance in Las Vegas. Not so fast, as their manager says it's "boys only." The band has to come first.

Siva's GF gives him an ultimatum, saying if she can't come, they don't have a relationship. Burn!

The ep airs Sunday (June 9) so tune in.

Watch the Wanted Perform 'Walks Like Rihanna'

Watch the Wanted Perform 'Glad You Came'


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