Whether or not you're ready to be scared pantsless by The Evil Within is irrelevant, because it's headed our way this summer.

The upcoming horror game from Shinji Mikami is due out soon, as indicated by the terrifying Vine video above. So fans of games that will make their heart rates spike can expect The Evil Within to be released in North America on Aug. 26 and in Europe on Aug. 28 for the PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

If you haven't heard of it by now, or if it's fallen off your radar, The Evil Within is the story of Detective Sebastian Castellanos as he explores an asylum where many people, cops included, have disappeared.Upon entering, he's knocked unconscious by a mysterious figure and he wakes up in a sort of nightmarish world.

You'll control the poor Detective and help him to survive against the demonic creatures that abound in the game world while also trying to unravel the mystery behind the asylum.

If that doesn't have you both scared and excited, then we've got nothing else to say to you! Look out for The Evil Within this summer.

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