Snooki “TMI” Polizzi was recently on 'Live! With Kelly and Michael' with her reality show co-star JWoww when she decided to talk about how her lady parts ripped right open during childbirth.

Oh. Sorry. Were you eating?

While mentally preparing for the birth of her son Lorenzo, Snooki told the show hosts she was worried about just one thing: “I was only concerned that my vagina was going to rip.”

Then Kelly Ripa, who couldn't leave well enough alone, asked if her biggest fear came true. To which the former owner of the world's most infamous hair pouf replied, “Yes. I got like three stitches [afterward].”

“She only needed two, but she wanted an extra one,” JWoww helpfully added.

So. Let's review. Snooki's vaj did what many do during childbirth, but she's no worse for wear. In fact, her fiance is now enjoying the fruits of her (actual) labor.

And why are we torturing you with this information? Look, you seem nice and everything, but if we have to know this stuff, we're not going to suffer alone.

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