Because you wanted to know so badly, we have details on Snooki's labor, courtesy of her chat on 'The Tonight Show.' It's sort of cool to know how the spawn that will end civilization (that is, unless baby Kimye gets to it first) came into the world, right?

Snooki revealed that she was in labor for 27 hours -- but didn't feel any of it.

Before you start worrying about the possibility of fetal alcohol syndrome, know that Snooki Snickers wasn't making the pain go away by the bottle. The pint sized portrait of everything wrong with the Garden State was referring to her epidural.

"I was in labor for 27 hours, but I didn't feel anything because I got the epidural," she told Jay Leno (quotes via Us Weekly).

Another experience with which she was likely familiar? The sensation of her water breaking.

"When my water broke, I thought it would be like [gushing water sound effect]," she squealed. "But I was just like, peeing my pants every two seconds. I didn't know what was going on! I couldn't control it, and I was like 'I think my water broke.'"

Now that she knows what it's like, we bet she's going to have a bunch of scares with rum in the future.

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