As we reported on ComicsAlliance last week, Rosario Dawson has joined the cast of the Netflix Daredevil TV show in a guest role -- but Marvel won't say who she's playing. Bleeding Cool guessed Elektra. Our own Matt D. Wilson suggested Milla Donovan. Multiversity Comics put their money on Maya Lopez. Speculation is rife, and nobody really knows anything.

The only clues we have to go on are Dawson herself -- a New Yorker in her mid-30s with Afro-Caribbean roots -- and a brief description of her role; "a dedicated young woman whose quest to heal the wounds of Hell’s Kitchen brings Matt Murdock unexpectedly crashing into her life, while her own journey forever alters the course of his battle against the injustices of this broken city."

It seems a little odd that Marvel wouldn't say who Dawson is playing. It may be that the role gives too much away about the story, or that there's a bigger announcement planned, or it may just be that Marvel and Netflix enjoy the attention they get when sites like ours run articles like this. So let's give them what they want! Who could Rosario Dawson play?

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