Critic Rex Reed is once again talking about Melissa McCarthy, but he's still not offering an apology for disparaging her weight and comparing her to a tractor in his film review of 'Identity Thief.'

Last week, McCarthy finally took time out of her schedule to address the comments, elegantly saying she felt bad for the clearly unhappy Reed. But of course he couldn't let her have the last word.

In a statement to Us Weekly, Reed stood by his offensive commentary -- and added a few more jabs, just in case you've yet to form an opinion about him.

I can only repeat what I have said before -- that I do not have, nor have I ever had, anything personal against people who suffer from obesity.

What I object to is the disgusting attempt to pretend obesity is funny. It is not remotely humorous, and every obese comedian who ever made jokes about the disease are [sic] now dead from strokes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

As a critic whose opinions are constitutionally protected by law, I stand by all of my original remarks about Melissa McCarthy's obesity, which I consider about as amusing as cancer, and apologize for nothing.

And once again, he misspelled "I'm sorry."

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