Celebrities have come to the rescue of those affected by Hurricane Sandy by donating their time and money, and purchasing belongings to donate to various relief centers.

Well, leave it to Madonna to find a super, special way to donate to the cause.

Before her concert in New York last night (Nov. 12), the singer visited the Far Rockaways to witness firsthand the devastation that a hurricane can cause to any given area. There to publicize aid efforts, when appearing on stage at her concert, she bared her naked butt to get the attention of her audience members.

"We… have to call attention to the fact that New York has been devastated by a hurricane and I think that people really underestimate the damage that has been done. The homes, the jobs, the livelihoods that have been lost," she said. "There are many wonderful people, some of them here tonight, who have started amazing initiatives and have been giving help to people who have nowhere to live, who have no food and nowhere to sleep."

"A big thank you to all these people … I went down to Rockaway Beach yesterday with my children and we saw what was going on down there and we saw the destruction and it was really sad but we also saw amazing acts of humanity, people working hard, handing out food, blankets, giving love," she continued. "I wanna give a big thanks to those people too. We owe them a lot. New York owes them a lot.”

She then took her top off to reveal the words "No Fear" written on her back, and then proceeded to pull her pants down, "(I am) showing (my) naked a-- for Hurricane Sandy victims," screamed Madonna before asking people to throw cash up on stage. “If you are going to look at the crack of my a--, you better raise some cash.”

Always classy, that one.

Watch the Madonna 'Girl Gone Wild' Video

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