Here's someone that might not be very well known, but she should be. Fans of the Castlevania series know her as Julia Laforeze, the shopkeeper from Castlevania: Curse of Darkness and Isaac's sister. But we know her simply as today's Cosplay of the Day. 

Julia is a wish and the sister of Isaac, the devil-forgemaster who fights the protagonist, Hector, over and over throughout the course of the game. But instead of fighting Hector like her brother does, she merely gets items into his waiting hands and heals his wounds. It should also be noted that she highly resembles Hector's dead fiance, Rosaly.

This is Lord Jedito from the Russian cosplay group, Shi-Tenno, as Julia. As you can see from the comparison shot above, she's pretty much nailed the outfit, even the patterns on the light pink part of the dress. You might not be able to see them because of the light, but they're there. Now all she needs to do is set up shop and wait for adventurers looking to hunt down Dracula, then she'd make a fortune.

See more of Shi-Tenno's work on their profile and let us know what you think of this awesome cosplay.

Lord Jedito
Lord Nephrito
Lord Jedito
Lord Nephrito
Lord Jedito
Lord Nephrito
Lord Jedito
Lord Nephrito

Want your Cosplay to be seen? Send your info to and we may feature you in our Cosplay of the Day!

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