There's a pretty good chance that you had Janelle Monae's "Yoga" stuck in your head for a few days after the single released. After all, it' basically the catchiest song ever written about a practice that's supposed to invoke tranquility and mindfulness and all that zen stuff.

The song, which features Jidenna and commands its listeners to "bend over" and "do that yoga," gets turned up a few more notches with this video. Janelle gets her practice on, does some seriously skillful body rolls, dances around with her girls and gets low, low, low.

There's also a point in the video where Janelle literally levitates while doing that yoga. Yes, it's amazing. Also amazing? The X-shaped earrings she sports. Girl has style for days.

Janelle has been tweeting messages with the hashtag #YOGA in honor of the video's release. Yesterday the talented singer posted: "In a world full of heaviness, how do you Find light. How do u balance? Call My family/tribe, hang out with my niece & nephew, & #yoga. U?"

Today she tweeted the video along with the messages ""#YOGA" Emotion Picture is here:   #GetOffMyAreola #TheEephus #BenditNeverBreakIt" and "Elevate and levitate with me! #YOGA."

Speaking of Twitter, Janelle also used the social media platform to epically shut down a user who tweeted a sexist comment her way. Buzzfeed shared a screenshot of the interaction, which involved a man urging her to be "sexy, not soulful." Janelle shut it down by replying "sit down. I'm not for male consumption." Applause all around.

Celebrities Working Out


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