He might have played Fred on 'Scooby-Doo,' but lately Freddie Prinze Jr. has been voicing characters for Bioware titles, such as Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age: Inquisition.

BioWare has unveiled this new behind the scenes video depicting Freddie Prinze Jr.'s contributions to Dragon Age: Inquisition as the hulking mercenary, Iron Bull. This behemoth Qunari is one tough hombre. Surprisingly, Iron Bull marks the second time BioWare has used Prinze to voice a hardened soldier. Prior to Inquisition, Prinze played James Vega, a pivotal member in Commander Shepard's crew in Mass Effect 3. Just hearing how different Iron Bull is from Vega makes us truly appreciate the dynamic range in the actor's voices.

Be ready to enlist Iron Bull in your quest to stop the Breach when Dragon Age: Inquisition launches on Oct. 9 for PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

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