The Otsego County Conservation Association has announced that it will send nine middle-school students to DEC Environmental Education Camp next summer through a countywide competitive essay contest.

OCCA will reward the nine winners with a week-long stay at New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Summer Camp, where campers spend their week immersed in the natural environment and enjoy a balance of environmental education, sportsman education, and outdoor fun.

Otsego County students ages 11-14 are invited to compete for camperships via the essay contest. In 750 words or less, they are asked to consider the question “What does the phrase ‘think globally, act locally’ mean to you with regard to the environment?” and give examples of how a person can apply this to their everyday life.

Nine winning essays will be chosen from participating Otsego County schools and Otsego County applicants at large.

The deadline for essay submissions is January 22, 2014, and winning essays will be chosen by January 27. Complete contest rules and requirements are available by e-mailing or by calling (607) 547-4488.

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