With these latest screenshots from Dragon Age: Inquisition, BioWare is taking us the Emerald Graves area of the Orlesian Dales.

These latest screenshots of Dragon Age: Inquisition taken from the game's official Facebook allow us to gawk at how beautiful the locations of Thedas are. The scenes are taken from the Emerald Graves region of the Dales, which is the area of Thedas where Inquisition will be focusing on. The Emerald Graves were once inhabited by the Dalish Elves. The elves helped the forests flourish, but the Orlesians killed many of the elves, forcing its remnants to flee the Emerald Graves.

As you can tell by the screenshots, there are refugee camps of some Dalish Elves still remaining within the forest lands of the Emerald Graves. Due to the declined numbers of both elves and humans in the area, the Emerald Graves are now home to giants, black wolves, great bears and the rare, majestic halla. We hope you'll be ready to explore these dangerous woods when Dragon Age: Inquisition debuts on Oct. 7 for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC.

Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon Age: Inquisition

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