Getting a good education may not be as important as getting in touch with your friends.

A new study has revealed that the average college student checks his or her phones, tablet and laptop for non-school purposes 11 times a day while in class.

The study looked at 777 students at six universities in five states, so it is hardly all-encompassing.

What exactly are these students doing?

  • 86% -- texting
  • 79% -- checking the time
  • 68% -- checking email
  • 66% -- looking at social media
  • 38% -- surfing the web
  • 8% -- playing a game

And while it’s great to have all this technology at their disposal, it does come with some risks. Ninety percent of students say they fail to pay attention in class, while 80% say they miss some of the class lesson and 32% their teachers chastise them. Slightly more than a quarter of all respondents say checking their mobile device in class negatively affects their grades.

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