Azealia Banks brings her cowgirl style back to her beloved '212' hometown in the video for 'Luxury.'

In the black and white clip, Banks is juxtapositioned with the New York City skyline. She rocks black cropped turtleneck, suspenders, a black cowboy hat, black cowboy boots and jeans, showing off her distinctive heart tattoo on her toned abdomen. Banks sports long black waves and light contact lenses, which contrast strongly with her smoky eyes.

The video opens with a close up of Banks' eyes in the NYC sky in front of buildings; then the shot pans to the mermaid-lover and some dancers on a graffiti-strewn rooftop that shows the skyline in the background. Banks is clearly, as usual, the star of this show, but the city that never sleeps is a worthy supporting actor.

It's interesting, ironic and likely deliberate that Banks shot the 'Luxury' video in downtown settings. While the song title may describe where her career is right now, the backdrop of the video is all about where she came from.

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