Amber Rose took to social media over the weekend to share some amazing before-and-after pregnancy photos -- and they're inspiring for more than one reason!

Mrs. Wiz Khalifa posted the pics to her Instagram account on Saturday (Dec. 14), showing her body while she was expecting son Sebastian and after giving birth to him. She is fairly bursting at the seams in the first image, but is fit and gorgeous in the second.

Just like so many other celebrities minutes after they have their babies, right? Wrong! The difference here? It took months of hard work, she says. "Absolutely no surgery just diet & exercise," she writes. "Most celebs give u false hope when u have a baby (My son was 9lbs) and in 3 months ur supposed to be skinny again..... It's not realistic in most cases."

Thank you, Amber! Baby Bash was born in February, so it took her just about 10 months to get her amazing figure back and in a healthy way. She shares some more wisdom and inspiration for women who might be feeling pressure to get back in shape too fast for their own good.

"The moral of the story is losing baby weight the natural way takes longer but it's much healthier for ur body and helps u stay strong to carry another baby," she writes. "So don't put ur life at risk for societies standards of when ur suppose to lose ur pregnancy weight. Take ur time & don't take the easy way out."

She posted this photo three weeks ago, saying she had just seven pounds to lose before hitting her goal weight.

It's really an impressive feat, especially considering how far she's come since posting those big baby bump photos last December. She even joked at the time, "I swear I have shorts on in this pic but my belly is so big u can't see them Lol."

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