Why drop a ton of money on holiday ornaments when you can make your own with stuff you probably have lying around the house anyway? Here's 10 DIY holiday ornaments that'll make your friends and family think you should have your own HGTV show and keep your kids busy crafting long enough for you to use the bathroom uninterrupted:

DIY Cupcake Ornament

Take a glass ornament, hot glue it into an aluminum cupcake liner, glue a fake berry (can be found at craft stores) wrapped in fishing wire or string to the top, add a thin layer of white paint to look like frosting and sprinkle with glitter.

Yardstick Ornament

Have an old yard stick lying around? Cut it up, add some Scrabble tiles and you can make multiple ornaments out of it!

Snowman Ornament

This is a good one to make with the kids. Fill a clear, glass ornament with watered down white paint, and then glue felt pieces to the outside of the glass to give it a snowman face. Complete the look by using pom-poms to make earmuffs.

Felt Photo Ornament

Glue your photo onto a piece of felt cut into the shape desired to hold it in place while you then sew it. Sew the felt onto an identical piece, leaving an opening for stuffing. Stuff, sew and hang.

Buttons Ornament

Start with a white Styrofoam ball. Layer with buttons, held to the ball with pins. Top with a bow.

Strawberry Ornament

Strawberry Ornament

Fill a clear glass ornament with red ribbon and then take to the outside with a glitter paint pen. Boom. Strawberry.

LEGO Christmas Ornament

Cut down the odds of Santa stepping on a LEGO and bolting right back up the chimney before leaving the gifts by using the LEGO blocks ON the tree. Watch this YouTube video for instructions on how to make a LEGO sphere.

Cork Ornament

Put the corks from all those empty wine bottles that have been helping you through the holidays to good use! Cut the corks with a straight razor and hot glue them to a Styrofoam ball. Screw an eye hook into one of the corks and hang it from the tree.

Lightbulb Ornament

Paint old lightbulbs and attach string!

Lollipop Ornament

Twist and shape clay into lollipops, insert small wooden sticks, insert an eye hook into the top, bake and then hang on your tree!

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