With an estimated 46 million monthly users, Candy Crush Saga is an unmitigated triumph of commercialism over quality. Essentially a simple color-matching game, Candy Crush Saga has become a phenomenon, garnering the attention of both casual gamers and hardcores alike, though the latter may not readily admit it. It has also caught the attention of Smosh Games, makers of the Honest Trailers series, who have skewered the time-wasting sensation with an Honest Trailer that’s as funny as it is accurate.

Smosh spends three solid minutes detailing the reality of the game, calling it “mindless, shallow piece of entertainment that makes you dumber just for being exposed to it,” and, perhaps more insulting, “the Kardashian of video games.” Candy Crush’s insidious pay-to-play-more model is also blasted, referred to as “as addictive as crack, but far less rewarding.” They even call out the game’s publishers, King Digital, calling them out for “stealing games from other developers,” “suing the same developers they stole from,” and “applying to trademark the words ‘Candy’ and ‘Saga’.” They even go so far as to call them the "EA of casual gaming." Ouch.

The trailer is not kind, but it’s funny and it lives up to its name. Smosh has done over a half-dozen Honest Game Trailers, as well as a ton of Honest Movie Trailers, and they’re all well worth checking out. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom for about 45 minutes; that dragon ain’t gonna free himself from that lake of piss.

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