
Norwich Business Moves to Mexico; 100 Locals Lose Jobs
Norwich Business Moves to Mexico; 100 Locals Lose Jobs
Norwich Business Moves to Mexico; 100 Locals Lose Jobs
Norwich Aero is moving to Mexico leaving more than 100 out of work. Parent Company Esterline is relocating its operations but is not taking most of its highly skilled workers. The company makes airplane parts and aviation systems used in planes around the world...
Hey, Norwich!  Did Lucy Have a Home on Chenango Lake?
Hey, Norwich! Did Lucy Have a Home on Chenango Lake?
Hey, Norwich! Did Lucy Have a Home on Chenango Lake?
A listener asked me to see if I could get an answer on this one.  I had not heard it before. Did Lucille Ball have a home or summer camp on Chenango Lake?  A listener told me that when asking directions at the lake he was told to "make a right at Lucille Ball's old mansion...

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