One might think that freeing herself from the clutches of Tom Cruise and Scientology would send Katie Holmes -- who has her own clothing line called Holmes & Yang -- into a fashion frenzy, showing off her model-like height and trim body, as well as her brunette-next-door cuteness.

Eh, not so much.

At the Nov. 29 after party for her new Broadway show 'Dead Accounts,' Holmes wore an ugly bedspread repurposed as a dress. The thick fabric was patterned and unflattering.

Or maybe it's not a bedspread, but rather one of daughter Suri's scribbled drawings preserved in fashion form.

Andrew H. Walker, Getty Images

There's way too much going on with this look. While black tights and heels are normally super chic when paired with a winter frock, Holmes overdoes it with that black and white pattern up top and a lacy belt. Style fail.

Andrew H. Walker, Getty Images

Wearing her hair down with such a busy neckline also creates too much traffic around her face.

Andrew H. Walker, Getty Images

It's a case of "just too much."

Andrew H. Walker, Getty Images

Sorry, Katie, there's nothing chic about what you've got going on here. If you ditched all the extras, this might have been a "meh" look as opposed to a full-on disaster.

Andrew H. Walker, Getty Images

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