Will.i.am is straying from the typical reality show formula that we've come to know, love, and eventually tire of. Instead of using his talents to create a singing or music-based competition show, he's planning to develop a technology-based competition show where geniuses will come to compete! Don't let the 'wizards' part fool you. Harry Potter wannabes need not apply.

The singer/rapper/everything under the sun's main purpose for creating the show is to encourage more young children to develop STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) skills, because he feels it'll have "a more lasting impact, potentially creating a new product and creating jobs."

"Every year, companies like Google need more innovators, but there is no content celebrating them... The system thinks people are dumb and they don’t care," he said. "We have no desire to make them care. We need creative people working with broadcasters, making smart content to inspire people to be geniuses.”

The show, which hasn't even hit the developing stages yet, is being shopped around to a number of different broadcasters to carry it, and is still currently being worked on by the mogul, who also has backing from tech company Intel.

His series is “like nothing we’ve seen before." Will continued, "It will be great TV and great for society. It’s about educating and innovating at the same time; making content to inspire and to dream up the new future.”

Watch the will.i.am 'THE (The Hardest Ever)' Video

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