Over the weekend, Respawn Entertainment Community Manager Abbie Heppe spoke to attendees at the EB Games Expo in Syndey, offering a few more details about Titanfall.

Though much of the gameplay shown off in the footage above has been seen before, Heppe does offer a few new tidbits about Titanfall. There's a lot of promise in Respawn's first game, particularly on the PC and Xbox One. We've yet to see any of the Xbox 360 version in motion, but the next-gen iteration is clearly where Respawn's time and efforts are being spent.

With all the incredible elements in play, both in an out of the Titan mechs, multiplayer looks like it will be a hectic firefight. We still don't know when Titanfall will be released, but it's easily one of 2014's most anticipated games. Alongside Destiny, the shooter space in next-gen is already shaping up to be rather amazing.

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