Most people associate Final Fantasy with classic Japanese turn-based role-playing glory, but the MMO genre also has Final Fantasies of its own. Not to be left out of the Legacy of Music series of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call trailers, here comes a new video previewing some of the MMO music we'll tap along to in the new 3DS rhythm adventure.

This trailer is all about Final Fantasy XI, the original Final Fantasy MMO, and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, the much-improved MMO mulligan Square Enix took on their second Final Fantasy MMO adventure. We'll forgive you if you don't recognize the music, but believe us that the tracks from these MMOs will be just as fun to play as the more recognizable songs in the game.

The last two songs in the trailer, "Under the Weight" and "Answers." both from Final Fantasy XIV, have us the most excited. We love when Final Fantasy takes the vocal approach (we still remember when "Eyes on Me" first played in FFVIII and gave us goosebumps), and we love it even more when the games take the metal approach ("Other World" from FFX? Yes please!), so these two tracks fit right into our wheelhouse. Here's to hoping there's more of those songs in Curtain Call.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call launches Sept. 23 for Nintendo 3DS.

Speaking of awesome Final Fantasy songs, have you seen the Meets Metal version of "One-Winged Angel" from Final Fantasy 7?


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