- Tina Fey and Amy Poehler teach us how to play the Golden Globes drinking game. [ScreenCrush]

- Lindsay Lohan returns to acting with a movie written by the Sham Wow dude. [Amy Grindhouse]

- Britney Spears is looking for a recurring role on a television sitcom just in case. [PopCrush]

- Morrissey's bitter that David Beckham will be a knight, suggests we flog the "Peckhams." [Bohomoth]

- Beyonce and Kelly Clarkson will perform at President Obama's Inauguration. [Hypable]

- This is Bradley Cooper's excited face. Or his "I'm pooping myself" face. We can't tell. [SeriouslyOMG]

- Snooki is ready to reproduce again. God help us all. [The Superficial]

- The child stars of 'Game of Thrones' beat-box the opening theme for your listening pleasure. [Rickey]

- Brandi Glanville attacks yet another Eddie Cibrian mistress. Time to move on. [Too Fab]

- Kendall Jenner rants about the paparazzi because she wants to be a private famewhore. [IDLYITW]


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