Shailene Woodley is totally channeling Marilyn Monroe on the cover of the July 2014 issue of Vanity Fair, trading the classic movie star's iconic white dress in for a sparkly, sultry ruby red number in the same style.

While the 'Fault in Our Stars' actress undoubtedly reveals quite a few gems in the issue, she also spoke her mind on topics that didn't make it into the mag, like her defense of Miley Cyrus, why people think she's a pothead and her reaction to overzealous fans.

“Miley isn’t rude or mean or cruel to anyone in her actions. She just does herself," Woodley says on the topic of Cyrus. "And regardless of whether you agree with what she’s doing or not, it’s none of your business what she does."

"She’s not in the world doing mean things. Why are all these parents or all these people freaking out about Miley being herself?" she continued. "If you don’t want your kids to watch it, you know, you can change that situation at home, but don’t make a big deal of what she’s doing. Make a big deal about the bullies at school who are beating kids up.”

She may defend Miley, but unlike the 'Wrecking Ball' singer, Woodley doesn't share her same affection for marijuana -- despite her crunchy, hippie-like lifestyle.

“I actually went on a hike the other day with somebody that I had just recently met, and we were talking, and he was like, 'So you smoke a lot of hash, smoke a lot of pot?' And I was like, 'What? . . . No, actually,'" Woodley revealed. "And he’s like, 'No?' And I was like, 'No.' And he goes, 'That’s so funny.'"

The actress also opened up about her feelings on fan frenzy, admitting that the obsession is something difficult for her to wrap her head around.

“The whole fan thing is very strange to me, because I’ve never had anybody that I have gone crazy for, like whether it was an actor or a musician. And so it’s a weird thing for me to relate to, especially the screaming sort of young fandom, the 'Twilight,' 'Hunger Games,' 'Divergent' world caters to. So I kind of actually try to like actively remove myself from the situation," Woodley explained.

"I’ve met people where I’m like, ‘Hi, I’m Shai,' and they can’t even see me because they’re screaming, and I’m making eye contact with them, but they’re not there," she said. "And that, to me, is weird. So I don’t know how quite to do that except remove myself from the situation and live my life, and if that inspires people, then I guess that’s what a role model is."

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