Robert Pattinson's handlers – like any celeb business team in Hollywood -- are paid to guide the actor and his career down the right path. That includes intervening when they think he is on the wrong track or set adrift. His team has ordered the 'Twilight' star to cease partying and womanizing in favor of putting the focus back on his career.

R. Pattz has been in the headlines for the past few months due to his broken relationship with 'Twilight' co-star Kristen Stewart, who famously cuckolded him. His partying antics and his string of post K. Stew "romances" -- really, anytime he is seen in the company of a female, the media assumes he is betrothed -- are all anyone talks about. His acting career is an afterthought.

With the 'Twilight' saga in the rearview, as the franchise's theatrical run has wrapped, Pattinson, 27, needs to get back to what's important and that’s his post-Edward Cullen career, and his team has made that apparent. It's their gig to protect their asset, and since the actor has Brad Pitt leading man potential, they want him back working.

"Rob’s team felt he needed a wake up call [and] that NOW is the time to get extremely serious about his career, even if that means quitting the womanizing and music making that have defined his life in Los Angeles so far," an insider told RadarOnline.

The source continued, "They really don’t want him throwing this opportunity down the toilet…Rob has to pick his next movie before the end of the year, and frankly, everyone is worried he’s going to screw this up."

His team feels he needs to do a serious film to avoid the trappings of teen hearthrobdom and to lengthen his career.

We can't disagree. We'd love to see R. Pattz back on the big screen, showing us what he can do besides sparkle, be hot and love Bella.

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