Welcome to the Cosplay of the Week, helping you get over Hump Day by providing you with pictures of awesome cosplayers in their equally-awesome outfits. This way, you can look upon them and say, "Hmm. If they can make cool costumes like this, surely I can make it through the next couple of days." Don't worry, friends. The weekend is almost here, thanks to Regina, from the Dino Crisis series.

Regina was a member of an espionage and intelligence group called the Secret Operation Raid Team, or S.O.R.T. While on a mission on Ibis Island to infiltrate a research facility and locate a man named Edward Kirk, things went horribly wrong. As soon as Regina and her team landed on the island via parachute, they discover that dinosaurs have overrun the island and killed nearly everyone in the facility. What ensues is a survival horror romp filled with cramped corridors, the threat of prehistoric monsters everywhere and the hunt for various key cards and items.

Dressed up like Regina is Costa Rican cosplayer, Angela Bermudez. She's all set to fight dinosaurs in her outfit, which is modeled after the character to a T. She's even sporting a shockingly red 'do, just like Regina. We're not sure whether or not the red will be more likely to attract the attention of velociraptors and other prehistoric fiends, but it sure does look pretty cool. That skin-tight outfit is just what she needs to squeeze into tight spots in order to avoid saurian threats, so we're glad she was able to put together such a cool outfit.

According to her deviantART profile, Angela enjoys '80s rock, the photography of Igor Siwanowicz, the art of video games and comics, using her PlayStation Vita as an MP3 player, and her favorite cartoon character is Wolverine. All of these facts make her pretty cool in our books, as does this amazing Regina cosplay. All she's really missing is a T-Rex to run away from, or maybe a helicopter in which to escape from rabid fanboys.

See more of Angela's fantastic cosplay and artwork on her deviantART profile. You can even head down to her Facebook page to see more of her work and all of the events she attends, all dressed up. All pictures were taken by photographer Andres Herrera, who also happens to be Angela's husband! It's good to see couples in the cosplay game.

Angela Bermudez
Andres Herrera
Angela Bermudez
Andres Herrera
Angela Bermudez
Andres Herrera
Angela Bermudez
Andres Herrera
Angela Bermudez
Andres Herrera

Want your Cosplay to be seen? Send your info to john@arcadesushi.com and we may feature you in our Cosplay of the Week!

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