Slade Wilson looks better than ever in this Steelers-colored Play Arts Kai variant you can only get at the 2014 New York Comic Con.

Square Enix has announced that Batman: Arkham Origin's Deathstroke will be one of its 2014 New York Comic Con exclusives with this metallic Play Arts Kai variant figure. The changing of Deathstroke's orange/red to gold brings the toy back to the noir feel of Deathstroke's older designs and is the perfect opposition for the Dark Knight. Deathstroke comes with a display stand, sword, handgun, bo staff, a rifle and a set of interchangeable hands for each weapon.

There will only be 1,000 of these 10.6" figures made, so you better try hard to score one before you have to hit those pesky third-party retailers. You'll be able to buy them at Square Enix's booth at Comic Con and at its website, with only 500 figures being sold at the booth and another 500 available online. The online store will not ship the Deathstroke variants until Nov. 20.

Square Enix
Square Enix
Square Enix
Square Enix

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