It sounds like we'll be able to join up with the Yakuza once again, as a new game in Sega's open-world franchise will be announced this month.

Gematsu reports that the next game in the Yakuza line will be revealed at 21:00 Japan time on Aug. 24 via NicoNico Magazine, according to an official Sega rep. There's no other details about the new game, just that it is coming to PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 and sporting "bustling urban environments."

As this won't be another spinoff like Yakuza: Ishin, we're left to wonder what the Yakuza are up to this time. Will it be the official Yakuza 6 reveal we've been expecting since the new consoles emerged? What if it's a prequel detailing the rise of series protagonist Kazuma Kiryu to power in the Yakuza? Could it be a total reboot of the Yakuza name, bringing it back to its roots and focusing on what made it so popular in the first place? All we can do is speculate, but once we find out for sure we'll be sure to post it here.

It's been a while since we've had a Yakuza game, so hopefully whatever is announced will eventually find its way to the States in the future.

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