Because the Lohans are such successful, intelligent and wise people, who better to breed more?

As Lindsay was busy with her court hearing and being rejected from hotels, her dad Michael Lohan added to the litter of potential inmates last night when his former fiancee, Kate Major, gave birth to a baby boy.

Just a few months after Michael found out he had a 17-year-old from a long-ago affair, TMZ reports that Major gave birth yesterday (Jan. 30) at 11:39 AM PST to Landon Major Lohan -- despite a rocky history including a slew of charges a restraining order. Because that's what happy homes and healthy children are made of.

The little man measured 19.75 in., 7 lbs. and 5 oz., and Lohan was reportedly on hand the entire time at the hospital, even cutting the bambino's cord.

Congrats to the happy couple. Based on the family's history, we recommend orange onesies instead of blue.

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