For the second time this week, there's some super exciting news for Pac-Man -- a sculpture in Madrid has been unveiled.

The commemorative sculpture is being erected at the Campus of Rey Juan Carlos University in Spain by the Japanese Ambassador. In a press release, the team revealed that the sculpture is "a symbol of the strong and prominent role that the videogame industry plays within the economy."

Rey Juan Carlos University is the first public university in the Madrid area to offer a degree in Video-Game Development. The inauguration will be attended not only bt the Dean of the University, but also the Japanese Ambassador in Spain, members of the embassy and representatives from Bandai Namco.

You can check out some of the pictures below of the Pac-Man sculpture and start planning your trip to Madrid to see it in person, just as you were totally thinking about heading over to Illinois to eat at the Pac-Man restaurant.

Pac Man Sculpture
Bandai Namco
Japan Ambassator and City Council Representatives
Bandai Namco

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