If you didn't catch Madge on her massive MDNA tour (we're talking to you, Australia), then fear not, because Madonna will be releasing a DVD and Blu-ray of her insanely successful string of concerts.

The DVD, announced via press release, will be available on Aug. 27. The co-director of the MDNA tour, Danny B. Tull said, "Madonna spent six months personally editing the video footage from 30 cameras and many different shows to put together the MDNA DVD. Her attention to every frame, every detail and nuance and total commitment to show her creative vision has been done to perfection."

There's a reason Madge has been so successful all these years -- when she wants something done, she does it herself!

Tull continued, "Each song is like a short movie. One minute you are in an action movie and the next you’re at a golden era musical before shooting across to India and back for a house party to finish. It’s better than any 3-D Imax movie out there and at a break neck pace that would make any Olympian struggle for breath." Whoa, should anyone with a heart condition be wary of watching this movie? Judging from the trailer this DVD will move at the speed of light and feature a thousand "blink and you'll miss it" moments.

The MDNA tour was the second-highest grossing tour by a female recording artist, grossing a whopping $305 million in total. Even if you went to this tour, but sat in the nosebleeds, you'll get the up close gander at Madge you were yearning for!

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