The LittleBigPlanet series has always featured a fun, robust single-player experience, but the real draw of the franchise is in its multiplayer suite. The ability to create and share new levels through the Popit menu gives LBP games nearly infinite replay value. For LittleBigPlanet 3, Sony is bringing creation tools into the single-player campaign, bridging the gap between player and creator.

Digital Spy spoke with Sarah Wellock, lead community manager of Sony Xdev Studios Europe, about LittleBigPlanet 3, and learned that the Popit menu will be available in single-player mode. Wellock explained, “There's a lot more integration of Create mode within the single player campaign. We wanted to make it much more accessible." She added, "The feedback we've had previously has been [that] the leap from player to creator was too big... We want to try and make it as inclusive an experience as possible."

Wellock gave an example of a player using the Popit menu to build a bridge, allowing access to an otherwise unavailable area. "It's little things like that which get you used to the idea of opening the Popit," Wellock said.

The creation tools players will use in LittleBigPlanet 3 are more fully-featured than in any previous game in the series. Previous LBP games offered three levels of depth for creating levels. LittleBigPlanet 3 will offer 16 layers, opening up the game for more robust player-created levels. The user interface for creation will be updated, as well.

LittleBigPlanet 3 is scheduled for a November release on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.

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