Kanye West has been an engaged man for a week, and he revealed all the key details of his proposal to baby mama Kim Kardsahian while chatting with Ryan Seacrest. You know, the ones you didn't see in the public video of this not-that-private event.

The key details, as told by Yeezy, are as follows, including the fact that Kim will be known as Kim West once they wed.

The ring was hot off the presses and only four-hours old. "I had to pick it up in L.A. [before]. I was working on it for awhile. I was working on it with four different jewelers. I just put it in my bag.”

He wasn't sure she'd say "yes!" to his big ask: "I was nervous. I was talking to her cousin. I was like, 'I don’t know, what do you think she’s going to say?' I’m not arrogant about love and feelings at all. I’m confident in the work I put so much work into, but this is someone else’s feelings. You never know what someone else may feel at the time. I just knew I wanted her to be my girl for a long time. I remember I saw a picture of her and Paris Hilton and I remember telling my boy, 'Have you seen that girl Kim Kar-dijon?'"

How much involvement will he have in the planning of the nuptials? Lots! "I will be very involved. Or I want to pick who is going to be in charge. I’d like to get the people who do the Chanel shows [for the wedding]."

West does have impeccable taste, so Kimmy would be well served letting him take the lead on the planning of the event.

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