One Direction and the Wanted have been at each other's throats for so long that it's hard to remember that at one point, they were pals. However, Max George and Jay McGuiness want to go back to that blissful, if brief, moment time.

The Wanted recently said they'd "get arrested" if the feud with 1D continued and suggested the 'Little Things' band "come see them in New York" when they'd shared a stage at Jingle Ball. This scared the daylights out of fans of both bands leading up to the Dec. 7 super show at Madison Square Garden. Thankfully, the Wanted pretty much rescinded their big boy threats on the red carpet before the concert.

When MTV asked about the war of words between the groups, McGuiness, who seems often to be the peacemaker and most rational member of the group, replied, "It seemed to start as a joke. But then the tone got a little bit nasty, so I just like to see how they feel about it, because I didn't like what I read," he explained. "I think it's probably best that we peace a little at Christmas." Peace on Earth and good will towards men! Cute.

George, who's said some not-so-nice things himself, even revealed that he extended an olive branch to 1D, whose member Zayn Malik started a brand new chapter of their feud via Twitter. "I invited them for a beer a few months ago. But they didn't take me up on it. Hopefully we bump into them after the show."

It doesn't sound like the bands met up. Maybe George was too busy with Lindsay Lohan.

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