Pokemon Center Mega Tokyo has opened in Ikebukuro's Sunshine City, and it's everything you dreamed it would be.

The grand opening of the Pokemon Center Mega Tokyo store was met with a ton of limited edition collectibles and a plethora of Japanese Pocket Monster fans, Kotaku reports. The store's mostly adult population of visitors on the first day claim that they were waiting hours just to get into the store and buy Pokemon gear.

If you're hoping for a store like this in the United States, we're afraid we've got some bad news. The Pokemon Center at Rockefeller Plaza in New York closed in 2005 and was remodeled into a general Nintendo store called Nintendo World. The Nintendo World store currently has a section of its location designated as a Pokemon Center, with a collection of Poke-gear available, but that's about it.

So what's so special about Pokemon Center Mega Tokyo? It's the biggest Pokemon-themed store in the world -- it has giant statues, rare collectibles and all sorts of sweet Squirtle swag for you to catch. In terms of limited edition goodies, Pokemon Center Mega Tokyo's debut featured a Pikachu in an adorable Charizard outfit. Just look at the pictures below and let that sink in. As you would expect, people were buying the Pikachu/Charizard outfit plushies in bulk to vend them online -- we know we're already looking for one.

pokemon center
pokemon center
pokemon center

Better play this as you're walking in:

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