It's time to pay tribute to some of the most interesting (and totally fictitious), moments in history with the Assassin's Creed franchise. Desmond's first adventures through Altair's memories sparked our interest in the famed stealth series that spans generations, continents and some of the most engaging characters we've ever seen in gaming. Dive into the Animus and check out the amazing pieces below, inspired by the adventures of Altair, Ezio, Connor and more.


We’re dying to see all the art you’ve come across or created in honor of your favorite games. If you have an artist or portfolio you’d like us to check out, please submit a link to Additionally, if there are any artists that we’ve highlighted who wish their works to be removed, please reach out to let us know. Where possible, please visit these artists’ websites to see more of their work, buy their products or commission an original piece.

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