The newest PSN sale has been revealed on the PlayStation Blog, and if you like buy one get one free deals, then you might want to hide your wallet.

This week Sony has made eleven bundles out of like-priced games, selling them all for the price of one. There are some big time names in these bundles, so if there's a game among them you may have missed, strike now and get another game free of charge.

Here's the list of the bundles, with their prices:

- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and How To Survive (PS3), separately $14.99 each, 2-for-1 $14.99
- Bionic Commando ReArmed 1 and 2 (PS3), separately $9.99 each, 2-for-1 $9.99
- Narco Terror and Sacred Citadel (PS3), separately $9.99 each, 2-for-1 $9.99
- NBA Jam On Fire Edition and NFL Blitz (PS3), separately $14.99 each, 2-for-1 $14.99
- Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories (PSP/Vita), separately $19.99 each, 2-for-1 $19.99
- Max Payne 3: Complete Edition and Red Dead Redemption (PS3), separately $29.99 each, 2-for-1 $29.99
- Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon and Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Game Pack (PS3), normally $24.99, now $14.99
- Babel Rising and Outland (PS3), separately $9.99 each, 2-for-1 $9.99
- From Dust and I Am Alive, separately $14.99 each, 2-for-1 $14.99
- Corpse Party and Corpse Party: Book of Shadows (PSP/Vita), separately $19.99 each, 2-for-1 $19.99
- Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PS3), separately $19.99 each, 2-for-1 $19.99

There's some pretty good deals to be had there, especially the Metal Gear bundle for those who haven't played Ground Zeroes yet. The sale ends on Monday, so if you're going to jump on one of these bundles, you'd best do it before it's gone forever.

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