The newest trailer for EA’s upcoming soccer sim FIFA 15 hit YouTube today, and focuses on the game’s new agility and control features.

As the video shows, FIFA 15 will utilize new player and ball interactions and a more realistic ball physics system in an effort to bring the most responsive soccer experience ever seen on consoles. Players will keep the ball closer while dribbling, and will have new stutter and stride moves that broaden ball carriers’ offensive options. In-game superstars will be more like their real-world counterparts in FIFA 15, and the trailer gives Lionel Messi’s left-footedness as an example.

EA has changed the way the ball reacts to players and the environment for FIFA 15, adding spin to every interaction. This will make shots, passes and deflections more realistic, and allows for some impressive physics-based dribbles.

While away from the ball, defensive player will now have more options for dispossessing attackers. Full body defense will allow defenders to sidle up to dribblers and physically force them off the ball. Shoulder barges and shirt pulls will also be included, making enemy territory a dangerous place for ball-carriers. Whereas possession tackles would frequently send balls flying out of reach in FIFA 14, this year’s installment makes the defensive move more effective by keeping the ball close to the defender who dislodged it.

This is the third and final trailer for FIFA 15. Previous trailers focused on graphics and presentation and emotion, and all of them have gotten us hyped for the game. FIFA 15 is set for a Sept. 23 release on PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii and 3DS.

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