Here at Arcade Sushi, we believe that sharing is caring, so we'd like to take a moment to talk to you about the Get-Well Gamers Foundation.

Get-Well Gamers was founded in 2001 by Ryan Sharpe. The California-based foundation seeks to provide children's hospitals with video games in order for kids to pass the time doing something fun while also helping them manage with pain.

Sharpe knows firsthand about how gaming can be beneficial for kids during a hospital stay. As a child, he spent a lot of time in hospitals due to his weak immune system. Video games helped him while away the hours and forget about the aches and pains during these stays. So to help children that have to go through similar experiences, he started the Get-Well Gamers Foundation, which donates consoles, video games, accessories, and anything a child needs for electronic entertainment.

So in the giving spirit of the holidays, and in light of the recent tragedy in Newton, Connecticut, we'd just like to turn your attention to a group of people who are doing some good in the world, even if it's something as simple as giving a child a video game to play. We're all gamers here, so we know the value of escaping into a world that's not our own, especially when things in our lives aren't all that great. For some kids, that escape can mean more than words can say.

To find out more, or if you'd like to make a donation to Get-Well Gamers and help ease a child's hospital experience with the magic of video games, visit the foundation's official site and do what you can. Below is a video talking about this great foundation and what they do.

And remember, completing a quest like this won't get you a reward or any experience points. But instead, you will be doing the rewarding and some lucky kid will be gifted with a gaming experience that just might help them through a rough time.

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