Newly unearthed concept footage and images from Arkane Studios' cancelled Half-Life: Return to Ravenholm (or Half-Life 2: Episode 4) show what could have been.

Uncovered by Valve Time, the early test footage and artwork for Half-Life: Episode 4 certainly had the vibe of a Half-Life game. Arkane Studios had definitely captured the ambiance in the images, even if the footage isn't all that indicative of real gameplay.

It's interesting to see that there were plans in motion for an Episode 4, but Half-Life 2: Episode 3 remains trapped in some sort of development limbo. Granted, this game never made it out of development, but that ended up being a pretty good thing for Arkane, who went on to make one of 2012's best games, Dishonored.

Check out the reel of concept works below, and let us know what you think in the comments.

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