Two hot topics on Twitter today (Aug. 22): how much everyone seems to love the apocalyptic comedy 'At World's End' and the coming out of Wentworth Miller. But more importantly, Nathan Fillion covered himself in kittens! Day made.

Demi Lovato was gifted a goat for her birthday.

This is what Adam Lambert looked like circa 2006. Whaaat?

We're very sad that we can't constantly hug Blake Shelton.

Juliette Lewis is not happy with this casting news.

Here's Nathan Fillion covered in kittens. You're welcome.

Celine Dion is expanding her social media horizons.

Donnie Wahlberg's mom has put him in time out.

Dax Shepard never wants to grow up.

Diablo Cody gets how frustrating it is to move.

In people who got haircut news, Kelly Osbourne has bangs.

Apparently 'At World's End' was really, really good.

And the rest of Twitter tweeted their support of Wentworth Miller.

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