As one of the most hardcore action RPGs on the market, Dark Souls II takes no pity on its players. The same can be said of the hero in this fan-made video, which has so much '80s B-movie flavor it hurts.

Are you a fan of old school revenge movies like 'Hobo with a Shotgun?' Did you enjoy the musical stylings of 'Drive's' synth-infused score? How about classic cartoons like 'Dungeons & Dragons' or 'Rambo?' Then boy do we have a video for you.

YouTuber Veselekov posted a creative spin on Namco Bandai's Dark Souls series, which takes inspiration from the movies and cartoons of yesteryear and smashes them together with the brutal roguelike. The end product is a short but sweet animation that anyone can enjoy, whether they're fans of the RPG or not.

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