Chris Brown must be breathing a bit more easy today (Aug. 15): His hit-and-run case has been dismissed by a judge.

The pesky case, which alleged that Breezy left the scene of an accident without giving proper ID, caused him to serve a day in jail on Aug. 5. It also got his probation revoked back in July. Brown argued that he had, in fact, handed over his license as requested at the time.

The judge rejected prosecutors' assertions that Brown was rude to the other driver in the May 21 fender bender, and that leaving the scene at all violated his probation.

Brown's lawyer is pleased with the verdict. "The case never should have been filed in the first place," he says. "It's unfortunate he was being prosecuted for who he is rather than what he's done."

good news about him on TMZ for a change:

Now if he could just get that parking lot brawl with Frank Ocean settled ...


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