Justin Bieber recently went back to his roots -- and no, we don't mean his natural hair color. We mean he went back to having bangs, bangs and only bangs. Which gave him a certain resemblance to Keira Knightley's character in the film 'Domino.'

The Biebs apparently wanted to go back to his former glory days of having a ladies' haircut, so he told the barber to take off everything except his bangs. It's not like it matters, anyway. The teenage girls of the world will love him no matter what.

Knightley's look in the 2005 film had her stepping away from her 'Pirates of the Carribean' damsel-in-distress role to play Domino Harvey, the English daughter of actor Laurence Harvey who went on to become a Los Angeles bounty hunter. True story.

Knightley makes the haircut look badass. Bieber? Eh, not so much.

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